Atlanta based Center celebrates advertising revenue growth!

July 2007 For Immediate release: Advertising revenue may save Hurricane devastated Atlanta Centre

(ACPA-Atlanta) The Atlanta based Center for Policy Analysis, owner of, continues on the road to recovery following it's devastation by the New Orleans Hurricane. Center director Ron Pecorry was effusive in his praise for the research teams, "whose great work allows us to provide the public with all the analysis they will ever need."

After tough negotiations, Google recently agreed very generously to host the first draft of the new website for free at its "Googlepages" internet site. This allowed the Center to get back on the air and the advertisign department has now received its first ceremonial adsense report, showing 8 cents of ad revenue.

Wont be long now before we earn a dollar ! "With this revenue" Pecorry stated, "coupled with the $34 we expect to earn this year from our research, we should be back up and running like normal in no time. We thank each of the millions of web visitors who have visited our site," he concluded.

All funds will go into the rebuilding fund, which will be matched by the special New Orleans fund, the Federal Government Rebuild It fund (the FRGT-IT Fund). The matching will occur once all the needy poor and homeless have their homes, schools and businesses rebuilt.

End press release

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