Lending To The Greeks

                            by Todd Outcalt

                            The Euro, once brash
                            With stalwart panache,
                            Has now lost its clout and mystique.
                            The Italians won't lend
                            To the Spanish, and friend,
                            Nobody will lend to a Greek.
                            The Union cartels
                            Know that everything smells
                            And the info is on wiki-leaks,
                            But the deeper they sink
                            They continue to think
                            That the problem is all with the Greeks.
                            Though Athens makes pleas
                            And quotes Socrates
                            To the rest of the world they're antiques.
                            The Belgians don't trust
                            And the Euro is bust
                            Since no one will lend to the Greeks.
                            But perhaps there's a chance
                            That the Pope learns to dance
                            Or the gods will come down from their peaks,
                            If the kings and the crown
                            Help the Euro rebound
                            And everyone lends to the Greeks.

Also read the very popular poetic satire The Midas Touch

Another poem - One Percent

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